
We support Wiley through student and curriculum support, teacher support and appreciation, and family engagement. We seek to align our support with Wiley’s magnet theme of inspiring and empowering globally competent students to investigate the world, recognize perspectives, communicate ideas, and take action by keeping the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals front and center.

  • To help make each child’s potential a reality, Student and Curriculum Support programs include Cultural Arts, Afterschool Clubs, Book Fairs, International Night, Band, and Yearbook.

  • Wiley PTA has several programs that support our teachers and our deep appreciation for all they do — teacher grants and supply stipends, Room Parent Program, and teacher appreciation events, such as Welcome Back Breakfast, Winter Thanks and Staff Appreciation Week.

  • Wiley PTA strives to build and enhance bonds within our Wiley community and to support families and caregivers with important issues related to their children's health, well-being, and educational success. Programs include Fall Festival, grounds improvement, Talent Show and 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony.